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4th Grade
Fourth graders at OCA are expected to have mastered a number of concepts in each of the core subjects, including Bible.  Our students also begin to learn how to think deeper to grasp the more complex concepts across all subjects as well. We encourage our fourth graders to be more independent in how they learn — setting the foundation to be lifelong and self-starting learners.
We continue with Purposeful Design as our curriculum.  Our Bible series is Purposeful Design. In this series it will help develop a Christian worldview. This Christian worldview holds that the primary reason for each person’s existence is to love and serve God. People develop a Christian worldview through both the knowledge and application of Scripture. We will learn how God tells His great story in the Bible and how that Word is truth.
Reading takes place in every subject, but we do set aside time each day to focus specifically on reading skills. In fourth grade we spend little, if any, time discussing how to read words. Instead, our focus is on enjoying and learning from reading. This happens as the students comprehend what they are reading, think critically about the facts and values being presented, and share what they are learning through oral reading and verbal and written summarizing. Students will further their reading through building their skills and comprehension with finding and identifying main ideas/themes, and text evidence using text structures.
Students will build upon the skills they have learned in previous years, with an emphasis on the understanding and application of multiplication, division, fractions, and some decimals. Fact mastery is also a major focus as students increase their accuracy and speed in multiplication and division facts. Finally, critical thinking and problem-solving are developed in each lesson through teaching techniques, story problems, and problem-solving lessons. Technology is applied through learning sites such as BrainPop, MobyMax, RocketMath, and Starfall.
Language Arts
Language arts continues to primarily focus on employing the skills and concepts from previous grades to publish writings such as personal narratives, opinions, poems, and informational reports using grade-appropriate language, spelling, and grammar.  We also continue to present information orally according to the Oral Presentation Guidelines properly.  Finally, iPads apps during computer time are used to reinforce learned skills.
Fourth graders at OCA use the Purposeful Design curriculum provided by ACSI to get a taste of the many wonders of God’s created world through their study of science. In the area of life science, they will study life cycles, cells, and habitats. As part of physical science, they will discuss energy, heat, light, sound, motion, forces, and matter. In earth and space science, they will look at Earth’s processes; natural resources; weather and climate; and the sun, earth, and moon. They will also do many experiments throughout the year.
In fourth grade at OCA, history will take students on a journey through the history of the state of Florida, starting the growth of the state and ending in the 21st Century.
By the end of 4th grade, students will:
  • Demonstrate Christian virtues and understand the Christian worldview
  • Know the Bible as truth
  • Know ways to grow in our faith, demonstrate love for others, and share the Gospel
  • Memorize key passages of Scripture, and know ways to apply them
  • Worship God through music, prayer, and study of His word
  • Identify and explain the different story structures: setting, plot, theme, characters, etc.
  • Explain how setting, events, conflict, and character development contribute to literacy text
  • Find the theme and main idea of a text by using text evidence
  • Identify the narrator's point of view
  • Explain the difference between the narrator’s point of view and character perspective in a literary text
  • Identify the different types of figurative language in text
  • Summarize the text using SWBST structure
  • Use schema to make inferences
  • Compare and contrast differences in stories and poems
  • Know multiplication and division fluency facts 0-12
  • Understand place value for multi-digit numbers
  • Build and understanding of operations with multi-digit numbers including decimals
  • Develop an understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals
  • Build a foundation of addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations with fractions
  • Represent and solve problems involving the four operations with whole numbers and fractions
  • Recognize numerical patters, including patterns that follow a given rule
  • Measure the length of objects and solve problems involving measurements
  • Solve problems involving money and time
  • Draw, classify, and measure angles
  • Solve problems involving perimeter and area of rectangles
  • Collect, represent, and interpret data and find the mode, median and range of a data set
Language Arts
  • Create and publish writings such as personal narratives, opinions, poems, and informational reports using grade appropriate language, spelling, and grammar.
  • Understand and utilize parts of speech appropriately and correctly
  • Orally present information according to Oral Presentation Guidelines


  • Identify the parts and functions of cells
  • Define and understand life cycles
  • Explain how light moves and it properties
  • Identify the components and behavior of sound
  • Identify and describe the different states of weather
  • Identify and label the components of the solar system
  • Identify and understand the different habitats located around the world
  • Compare Native American tribes in Florida
  • Identify explorers who have come to Florida and their motives for exploration
  • Identify nations that controlled Florida before it became a United States territory
  • Describe pioneer life in Florida
  • Summarize challenges Florida faced during Reconstruction and after the Great Depression
  • Describe the economic development of Florida’s major industries and Florida’s economic growth throughout the years
  • Compare and contrast accounts of the same event using primary and secondary sources.
  • Summarize the different wars that affected Florida: Civil, Spanish America, WWII
  • Identify and explain Florida’s Government and the various branches
  • Distinguish between local and state governments


January 2025
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Pizza Friday
January 10, 2025
Pizza Friday
January 17, 2025
Daddy/Daughter Dance
January 18, 2025 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
MAPS Testing
January 21, 2025
PAWS Meeting (6:30 pm)
January 21, 2025 | 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
PAWS- Uniform Swap (6:30 PM)
January 21, 2025 | 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
MAPS Testing
January 22, 2025
MAPS Testing
January 23, 2025
Pizza Friday
January 24, 2025
MAPS Testing
January 24, 2025

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